The Patch

seedlings are doing well

It’s June and we’re getting used to COVID or at least, learning to cope with it. It looks like it will be a long time before there is a vaccine. We are becoming vigilante with our hand sanitizer (even considering making our own), learning to make masks and sour dough bread and wondering if we made a mistake buying all that toilet paper.



The garden is growing well but I am aware that the tomatoes should have had an earlier start. Still, I’m confident that this garden will yield great things and am already preparing for the possibility of early frosts and green tomatoes.

The tomatoes want to lie down. We built the frames to guide them up along strings, to give them support, but they want to crawl along the ground and I can’t help wondering if I am keeping them from fulfilling their true destiny. But, all the people I trust say that they must go up, find the light and avoid rot.